Testone, the professional Testing Equipments manufacturing
company in South Korea since 2011. All TESTONE series load frames are designed
to provide higher stiffness and precise alignment for testing everything.
Mooney Viscometer
Application Field
Standard - ASTM D1646
Product Description
This is a tester that measures the viscosity of
rubber (Mooney Viscosity). In general, 1 minute of warm-up is done by a large
rotor (100M) at 100 ℃. And the value of 4 minutes is read after the rotor
starts. The value is represented as ML 1 +4 (100 ℃).
Mooney viscosity values the lowest Mooney
viscosity, scorch time can be measured.
By using proprietary software, it is easy to
manage graph and data.
Model - TO-230
Main Power - 220V, 50Hz
Rotor Speed - 2RPM
Rotor Size - Small & Large
Temp. Range - 100 ~ 200℃
Temp. Control - PID, Accuracy ±0.5℃
Temp. Probe - PT 100Ω
Mooney Range - 100, 200MU
Preheat Time - 0 ~ 600 Sec.
Decay Time - 30Min
Compressed Air 4.2kg/㎠ (60PSI)
Data Report - T3, T18, T5, t35, Mi, ML, ML1+4, △M
Statistics - X-R chart, Histogram
Option - Computer System
Weight - 260kg
Standard - ASTM D 1646, ISO 289
Stand with Push-Pull
Application Field
Capacity: 200gf / 500gf / 2kgf / 5kgf / 20kgf / 50kgf /
100kgf / 200kgf
Standard - It is based on each standard.
Product Description
This is an equipment to measure the strength of
products such as plastics, rubber, film, polyurethane, paper. Low-cost was
achieved. This is a stand of digital push pull-gauge, and it is used in the
product of less than 100kg.
Stand (Japanese / Korean)
Push Pull Gauge: Japanese
Road Cell Range: 200gf / 500gf / 2kgf / 5kgf /
20kgf / 50kgf / 100kgf / 200kgf
Dimensions: Approx. 300×450×750mm
Type: AUTO
Capacity: Max. 100Kg/f
Stroke: 400mm (No Grip)
Speed: 1-300mm/min
Display: Load Zero, Stroke Zero, Return, Up/Down,
Peak, Test Mode Free Mode
Power: 220V/60Hz
Weight: 30kg
Are you looking for rubber abrasion testing machine?
Contact Testone (testone@testone.co.kr) one of the leading material
testing instruments manufacturer
in South Korea, offers wide range of industrial testing instruments.
The rubber industry is one of the important basic industries of the national economy. It not only provides us with essential daily-use, medical and other light industrial rubber products, Rubber testing